Married: Toward 28 th day of August, 1865, by the John Shot, J

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Married: Toward 28 th day of August, 1865, by the John Shot, J

Married: Towards 29 th day’s August, 1865, of the John Decide to try, J.P., Mr. John Lyons and you may Skip Carrie Logan , all of Timber state, Western Va.

Married: On the 20 th , by the Rev. Mr. Ryan, Thomas McGrath and you will Skip Mary J. Malloy , child away from B. Malloy, all of this area.

Married: uel B. Newton , later out-of Co. A beneficial, 86 th Ohio, and Miss Emma J. Aiken , regarding Beverly. [Check military unit number.]

Died: During the Newport, from usage, Lieut. John C. Timber , out of Co. G., 148 th , O.Letter.Grams., inside the 24 th year. The guy passed away good Christian and you may an excellent patriot.

Married: Aug. 29, 1865, from the Rev. C.D. Battelle, Mr. Wm. H. Mountain , out-of Harmar, and you can Skip Nancy L. Slope , out-of Marietta.

Married: With the Sunday, Sept step three, 1865, by the John Take to, J.P., Mr. Alfred D. Ackerson and Miss Sarah J. Wood , all of so it city.

Married: Sept. 6, 1865, b Rev. Thomas Wickes, D.D., Mr. A great.O. Mauck , regarding Gallia state, and you can Skip Jennie H. Buck , of the town.

Married: Sept. 5, 1865, of the Rev. C.D. Battelle, Benj. Miller , late of one’s 2 nd West Va. Cavalry, and you will Skip Louisa Pfeiffer .

Died: From the her home, inside Ludlow township, Aug. 25, 1865, after a lengthy and you will significant disease, Mrs. Henrietta Tice , wife from Soloman Tice, old 54.

Died: Inside the Marietta, Aug. 23 rd , 1865, Mrs. Nancy McAllister , on the 94 th year out of their years. For this reason has passed out a earliest individuals in our state, and something of the very most respected owners. She had existed right here merely half a century, moving to Marietta into the 1815. Her husband died in 1818, making her having several children, yet she managed with her times and you can intelligence to keep her household members to each other, let them have the a reasonable studies, and you will match all of them getting usefulness and you may respectability. Eight of those students today survive their own and you can was basically within their unique funeral service, all of them are over ___ [illegible] years of age, and you may about three be than 70. She try a lady of good industry and energy regarding character. She had a kind and you can good-sized cardiovascular system. No body was ever before sent eager off their unique doorway. She existed and you may died when you look at the trust and feeling, an excellent Christian. Their unique recollections is blessed. Their unique funeral taken place towards the 23 rd . W. McMaster.

Henry Guckert and you can Skip Adaline Rinehart , both of Marietta

Married: During the Beverly, towards the 6 th , of the Rev. J.W. Fouts aided by the Rev. S. Siegfried, R.A beneficial. Fowler , from Cincinnati, and Miss Mary J. Light , away from Beverly.

Married: Within National Domestic, within this urban area, Sept. 11, by Rev. W.M. Mullenix, David Robinson to miss Martha F. Buckner, both of Parkersburg.

Married: From the National House, inside city, Sept. 11, from the Rev. W.Meters. Mullenix, Mr. Alexander W. Barnes to overlook Margaret G. Timms , all of Wood Co., West Va.

Married: By F.A beneficial. Wheeler, J.P., within Harmar House, Sept. eleven, 1865, Martin V. Taylor and you can Skip Sarah Meserva , away from Ritche Condition, Western Virtual assistant.

Married: To your Sept. 12, 1865, during the Bissantz Household, within area, by John Test, J.P., George W. Sleigh , regarding Beverly, later out of Business A, ninety-five nd O.V.I., and you may Miss Ann Copeland , of brand new The united kingdomt, Athens condition.

The sermon is preached to help you a lot of nearest and dearest and family members because of the J

Died: In the Cincinnati, new ten th , Mr. Hobart VanZandt , aged 34, an aunt of Mrs. C.B. Wells, with the town.

Died: In the Waterford, the new 8 th , out of typhoid temperature, Newell D. Hayward , in his 24 th season. An extremely reputable son, simply birth effective lives to your okay hope regarding versatility. He was married only fifteen weeks ago. [Get a hold of issue of Jun step one, 1865 for marriage off Mr. and you may Mrs. Hayward.]

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